Effective training in person in Asheville NC and Worldwide via Zoom
I am a specialist primarily focused on your personal agency. I want to help you embed these interesting Alexander technique (AT) principles into your daily life as quickly as possible and as effectively as possible. In person or via Zoom, I will make sure you are confident that you can impact any moment in your life by dropping in AT and immediately seeing positive change.
I am a senior teacher with forty-five years of AT experience, and thirty-seven years of teaching experience. I was certified to teach in 1985. I am a teaching member of Alexander Technique International (ATI); American Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT); International Somatic Movement Education & Therapy Association (ISMETA); and The Developing Self UK.
In addition, I am a passionate and cutting edge researcher and advocate for AT at international conferences and in peer-reviewed publications in order to ensure that AT training is impactful and effective and credible in the 21st century. With like-minded colleagues, I launched The Poise Project in 2016 in order to make sure that everyone – EVERYONE – not just those who can afford private pay will have access to the AT principles in order to meet their life challenges at all stages of life. I believe deeply that AT should be available across broad cultural and socioeconomic groups. www.thepoiseproject.org.
I have been developing effective AT teaching via Zoom since 2010, and have particular approaches for helping people living with chronic conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative conditions. If you want to find a way to meet the most challenging aspects of your life with confidence and personal integrity, please reach out to me.
And if you have benefited from AT training and would like to support The Poise Project in our mission to bring AT to everyone who can benefit, please made a tax-deductible donation at: https://www.thepoiseproject.org/donations